Did you know there are 40,000 sports-related eye injuries every year in the United States—or that about 90 percent of those injuries are entirely preventable? September is Sports Eye Safety Month, and this week we’re talking about how you can protect yourself and your family from eye injuries.
Reducing the Risk
Protective eyewear is the best way to reduce your risk of eye injury. Experts recommend ultra-strong polycarbonate, which is an impact-resistant plastic that is ten times stronger than other plastics. From high-risk sports like racquetball and basketball to “safe sports” like track or gymnastics, all athletes should wear the eye protection appropriate to their activity.
Back to School
Make eye protection a priority for your athlete going back-to-school this fall. In addition to new clothes and school supplies, make sure your student-athlete has had an eye exam and a conversation about proper eye protection for their various sports and activities.
Tips for Purchasing Protective Eyewear
You know how annoying it is when reading glasses slide down your nose, and the consequences can be much more serious when your protective eyewear is poorly-fit. When purchasing protective eyewear for sports, keep the following in mind:
- Great fit is important for reliable protection
- Ask about fogging, and whether you need an anti-fog coating
- Eye guard or sports protective eyewear should be labeled as “ASTM F803”
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